Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How: view profile picture/avatar comments in blogger

How: show the profile picture/avatar comment on Blogger -zusätzlich to the image profile blogger, the blog owner an image can also by replacing the avatar options as the identity of the commentators, such as 'anonymous' comment. For most templates can easily view profile pictures that comment. But there also be a little Mengoprek templates to display photos profile comments. If the blog PAL, including to, read the below tutorials.

(1) the bloggerlogin after entering the settingsclick, then select setting comment.

2. in the option Show image profiles in comments? PAL ya, select.

3. Click , to save your settings. Until there is a description, the settings were saved successfully. And you will see the result, please try PAL blogger comments with ID on a post to write. If an image/photo profile already alias view displayed?

When visible, the way of displaying the profile picture/avatar comment on Blogger means enough here. Conversely, if the profile images still appear not as well. PAL do additional steps as follows:

4. still in the State of login. Click on design, by html editcontinue on that.

(5) in view of the next time an error occurs. Backup templates by the way: click on the link download full template.

6. Once done, can you check on the combo box next to expand widget templates

7. next code search:

[]] > < / B: skin >

(8) after the top-right corner, set to the following:

Contact name-avatar image container IMG block. {Background: # f URL ( No. repeat top left;} Width: 35px; {Height: 35px}

URL of avatar image, which is stored in the hosting file is colored text on Red . PAL it could to with an avatar selection PAL replace.

(9), the diplomatic relations with the code:

< dl ID comments = ' block ' - >

10. Delete the code and replace it with the following code:

< dl expr: class = ' data: AvatarIndentClass' en post. = 'Comments ' block >

11. is not yet complete, the last search:

Expr: < a name = ' data: ' to anchor name comment. / >

12. Remove and replace the code with
the code as follows:

< B: if cond = ' data: ' favicon > comment.
Expr: < img src = "data: comment." "Favicon" / >
< / b: If >
Expr: < a name = ' data: ' to anchor name comment. / >
< B: if cond = ' data: EnabledCommentProfileImages' > blog.
< div expr: class = ' data: AvatarContainerClass' > comment.
< data: comment.authoravatarimage / >
< / div >
< / b: If >

1. Finished above code optimizations. The last step, click on Save template.

14. If successful, will pop up a description of your changes were saved to 'Blog'.

To view the results. go for the tests by type / enter comments to a blog post PAL with Blogger ID (in the case of an application). Automatic account profile photo bloggers be PAL displayed. Try also with anonymous ID, or NAME/URL. Then, that is displayed is the avatar image, the by PAL was determined.

Well, that's like how the profile picture/avatar comment on blogger is displayed. As I have done on this template. Good luck!

More aboutHow: view profile picture/avatar comments in blogger

How install one read more automatic on Blogger templates

As soon installation read more automatic on blogger template they belong on the front page or the name of save to not extend to the bottom. And read how to create, more automatic, it is just. Read out the following steps:

1. Login to blogger account belongs to you. Click after logging in the design of thesection. Next, click Edit html.

2. If you click on the link download full template. It is important, if later error when editing the template expect.

(3) The check box next to give, to continue to expand widget templates. Then / < / head > code search and found once right on code input < / head > the following code:

< script type = "Text/Javascript" >
Var Thumbnail_mode = & quot;. Float & quot;.
Summary_noimg = 250;
Summary_img = 220;
Img_thumb_height = 120;
Img_thumb_width = 220;
< / script >
< script type = "Text/Javascript" >
/ / ≪![CDATA []]
Function RemoveHtmlTag (b, a) {if (IndexOf ("<")! =-1) {var d = B. split ("<"); for (var c = 0;)}} C < d.length;c++) {if ((d) [c] .indexof(">")! =-1) {d [c] d [c] = .substring (d [c] .indexof(">") + 1, [c] d.)}} {{{(L)}} b d. = join ("")} a = (a b < s.length - 1)? (a): b.length-2; During (B. CharAt (d-1)! = "" & & B. IndexOf ("", a)!) (= - 1) {a + +} b = B. substring (0,-1); return b + "..." "} Function CreateSummaryAndThumb (d) {var f =.}" GetElementById (d); Var a = ""; Var b = F. GetElementsByTagName ("img"); Var s = Summary_noimg; If (length > = 3) {a = ' ≪ span style = "float: left; padding: 0px 10px 5px 0px;"} "> < img src ="' + b [0] src + ' "width ="' + Img_thumb_width + "px"Height ="{" + Img_thumb_height + 'px' / ≪ / span > ' > e = Summary_img;} " Var c = a + f < div > + removehtmltag(f.innerHTML,e) + "< / div >"; {El.innerHTML = c};
/ /]] >
< / script >

(4) the next step, < data: post.body / > code search and if it is already found, delete the code and replace it with the following code:

< B: if cond = ' data: blog. Type of page. page_displayform! = & quot;. unterStopfen & quot;. ">"
< div id = "expr: & quot;" Summary & quot; + Data: post ID ' > < data: post.body / > < / div >
< script type "Text/Javascript" = > CreateSummaryAndThumb (& quot;) Summary < data: post.ID / > & quot;); ≪ / script >
< span class = "Rmlink" style = "float: left ' expr: > < a href = ' data: ' URL post." >read more...< / a > < / span >
< / b: If >
< B: if cond = ' data: type of page. page_displayform == blog. & quot;. Stuff & quot; "> < data: post.body / > < / B: If >"

on writing read more... you could replace with a different taste. For example, read more or continue

(5) the final step, click the button Save the template. Stop and see the result.

Good luck to install read more automatic on blogger template and good luck!
More aboutHow install one read more automatic on Blogger templates

Want to get creative? Should stress

Do what you feel depressed when alias is stress? No emotion can heads less, hard to control or even on the contrary you be much more than usual creative. Is this true?

Once I have a theory. What have I forgotten whatever the title. He said if stress or anxiety a person, so that actually makes him more creative, more adrenaline has passed its peak. True or not, I don't know that is only a theory. But if anything, it makes sense.

A trivial example, if you are 'worry' as your brain-pee far more reflexes than usual work. No matter whether you're on the road with my girlfriend or in-laws. At the time (Kebelet, pee) Dipikiran you there is only one word... THE TOILETTE.

It is only a trivial example, it is still much more.

Many of the tips, which said. If you want all purpose Bebuah sweet. It supports the absolute face with a mood of peace and quiet, as well as the State Department. Vote? In my opinion not really, that's exactly the fact makes us more and more dizzly. What would it be if the conditions are not met? In this case, it could only and the way available.

This is only an opinion of the writer stress. You agree to what is not. But if you it want to prove my guest. Just, you should stress first of all. Next, what feel when stress?

More aboutWant to get creative? Should stress

Extracts such as easy file templates from online

These tips for those who have to extract a little trouble in the template files are generally formatted are . Zip or . Rare in the format . XML . There are to alternatives as dizzy, extract the zip file in XML easily, i.e. online with the help of the wobzip.orgWeb site

(1) first, save to extract the template file on the computer.


(3) After the registration in the file select please select the name of the template, which files are extracted.

4. click the button Wobzip!

5. wait a moment labels shown, until the file uploaded successfully. Files that do not successfully compressed. No viruses detected indicates that successful template files were extracted.

6. Then download the template, the already in the extract is by clicking on one of the links are below. Templatenya is for example the name meaning the blogger templates without XML slider.

Done, good luck with extracting the files online.

More aboutExtracts such as easy file templates from online

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Easily create a menu list of the content of the article on blogger

Taroklah blog dude got interesting already thousands of posts and stored in a file cabinet blog PAL. But useless, when thousands of Terendus so hard by the readers of alias post visitors. Well, here is a table of contents menu blog is very necessary. The reason for this? so that visitors could tear easily blog PAL with easy. In the menu contents is this entire article is already published can be made, that it can be Kosumsi in light of the public.

Examples see here. Now? You want to create a menu list of blog content like that? We just be.

Earlier, I also never create a table of contents. But here also one which is the easiest way to create a menu list of the contents of the blog you.

The following steps:

1. First login permissions, for blogger account of PAL.

Once logged in (2), information, click new entry by clicking on the edit pages.

3. next, you click the link a new page.

(4) in the title is on the front page with "Table of contents" satisfied or the encyclopedia up to PAL.

(5) a new page in the column (in html mode). The content of the line of the following code:

< a href = ""
Media = "Screen" rel = "Stylesheet" type = "Text/Css" > < / link >
< script src = "" > < / script >
< script src = / summary "?" Max results = 1000 & amp; Alt = JSON - in-.
Script & callback = Loadtoc "> < / script >"
< script type = "Text/Javascript" > var AccToc = true; < / script >
< script src = "" type = "Text/Javascript" > < / script >

Note to the text of the blue. With the URL/address of the blog PAL with completely replace.

6. When finished, click on shows a page.

(7) the next question appears whether the gadget display the page you want to be? PAL-select gadgets (link to the page manually).

8. Click Save and publish. Appears your pages published successfully!

9. Find in page , click to display the results. This page contains a list of the content on the blog PAL.

Note the URL of the page. For example, is and then put this link in the navigation menu, sidebar or the other up to PAL.

May be useful and good luck, create a menu list of the content of the article on Blogger.

More aboutEasily create a menu list of the content of the article on blogger

Change the color of the title of the post article

By default the color is the title of the post or an article on the template already by the designer of the template creator. But if you less feel satisfied, PAL could replace him with other colors that are much more attractive or to taste.

Interested to change it? Read out the following steps:

1. login to blogger. Click on the designof the section. Edit html further by clicking on the link.

(2) save your first template that is used by clicking on the download full template. Then, enter the check box next to the combo box expand widget templates.

3. Search the code . post h1 if not found as follows, it could be . post h2 or . post-h3 according to Templatenya.

4. look to the code. Seem to be a line of code as follows:

H1 {book}
Margin: 5em 0;
Font-size: 15pxt;
Padding: 5px;
Font-weight: normal;
Font-style: normal;
Line-height: 1.3 EM;
Color: # 0000ff;

5. above is an example on my Blogvorlage. Dude you don't be surprised, if a line of code does not exactly match the template to the PAL belongs. Focus on the color: # 0000ff this code sets the color of the title of the post. The code # 0000ff means that the post title is blue.

6 replace code # 0000ff by html color codes to a different color. Do not know html color codes? Find here.

7. When you are done. Do not forget to Save the templates , click and see the result.

Welcome you to try to change the color of the title of the post, and good luck!
More aboutChange the color of the title of the post article

How to install the widget-stripe ad on Blogger templates

Actual tutorials Widget stripe ad ALA blogger install this I by another blogger PAL have. I be on this blog, it turns out, that the result of the successful ad strips connected. For PAL, wanted a new stripe ad template blog, by the way, I remember still like (install widget stripe ad on blogger template).

For example, a blog, put up a Widget Stripe Ad as, or on another blog. Where is it close at the top of the blog page or the header element firmly and there over the button. It can range from link to subscribe to the RSS feed, fans of Facebook/Twitter pageor just the announcement of only Admins aka of the blog owner change.

Installing are it interested in? Perform the following steps:

1. login to blogger. Click on the dashboard page designing PAL then Edit html.

2. Then you click on download full template. This is to be expected, when it will occur error when editing the template.

3) After finished downloading, enter the next to expand widget templates.

4. search the code < / head >

5. copy the code below and then paste on the above of code </head>

< script src = ''-Type =' text/javascript "/ >"

6. Further, search code  < body >

7. the right under the code < body > input code as follows:

< div id = "Mta_bar" >
< div id = "Left_bar" > < span class = 'Left' a href = > <' ' target = '_blank' >subscribed to this blog articles via RSS-feed?< / a > < / span > < / div >
< span class = 'right' onmouseout = ' itself. Status = & APOs; APOs; & 'Onmouseover =' itself. Status = & APOs; o .com & APOs;Return true; "> < img align ="Absmiddle"border ="0"OnClick = ' CloseTopAds ();" return false;' Src with'' = style "cursor: hand;" Cursor: Pointer; ' / > < / span > < / div >

Description: in a code Red color is the target URL of the link Bluecolored text. Both can be changed according to taste or requirements. Orange Color is the URL of the image of the Close. PAL it could be replaced with another picture.

8. next code search:

[]] > < / B: skin >

9. once met paste the code, just above:

# Mta_bar {background:# 0000ff;} Margin: 0 3px 0 0; Padding: 10px; Z-index: 100; Top: 0; left: 0; Width: 100%; Overflow: auto; {position: fixed;}
* html # Mta_bar {/ * IE6 hack * / position: absolute;} Width: Expression
(Document.) CompatMode == "css1compat"? document.documentElement.clientWidth + "px": body. ClientWidth + "px"); }
# Mta_bar. Left {float: left;} Text-
align: Center; Font-family: Arial; Font-size: 13px; Font-weight: bold; Font-style: normal; Colour:# ffffff; Width: 98 %;}
# Mta_bar. Right {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;} Float: right; Text-align: Center; Font-weight: normal; Font-size: 10px; Letter-spacing: 0; Width: 30px; {White-space: nowrap;}
# Mta_bar. Right one {font-size: a 11px;} Color: # ffffff; {Text-decoration: underline;}
# Mta_bar. right a: hover {font-size: a 11px;} Color: # ffffff; {Text-decoration: none;}
# Left_bar a {text-decoration: none;} {Color: # ffffff;}
# Left_bar a: hover {text-decoration: underline;} {Color: # ffffff;}

Note: , that this code # 0000ff widget stripe ad background/foreground color. The code # 0000ff is blue. Please replace with the color code # 000000 background color another example black. As for the # ffffff the color of text in the white stripe ad is on resources. Good background color, text, or both please customize your template with a buddy.

10. After you insert all line completed PAL code above. The last step, click the button Save the template. And see the result.

Automatic, is included a widget stripe ad above on the screen or the blog header. And only relieve it, click on the button "close" image. After closed but where missing PAL do not worry, because and later still appears once. As later again, click to remove it on the 'close 'button.

Good luck with your installed widget stripe ad and good luck!

More aboutHow to install the widget-stripe ad on Blogger templates

Install the Facebook like button in the bottom of the post

Facebook such as or rather what I mean is, as in the bottom of the page to post this. If the like , that button is clicked, are user fb automatic links, on this URL reference plastered on the walls of Facebook users (on click).

All right for blog promotion? If you are interested, please let alone. You immediately place a button Facebook like / love on page posts as in under the posts.

His pace as follows:

(1) login to blogger. After the draft, click on. Click on Edit html.

2. Click on the links to download full template. Continuing with their combo as well as write check box expand widget templates were.

3. < p > < data: post.body / > < / p > code search if there are two, you choose the first.

(4), Type the following code below the code (No. 3).

< div style = "margin: 0;" Padding: 8px; Border: "1px" solid # ccc; background: # f3f3f3; ">" < IFRAME AllowTransparency = 'true' expr: src = ' & quot;. & quot; + Data: post-URL + & quot;. & amp; Layout = standard & Show_faces = false & amp; Amp; Width = 100 & amp; Action such as = & amp; Font = arial & ColorScheme = light & quot;. "Frameborder = ' 0' scrolling ="No"style =" border: none; " Overflow: hidden; Width: 590px; Height: 40px; "/ >" < / div >

590 Exchange with the size of the width of the page to make your template on your blog. Don't know yet how wide? Read the first here. During 40 numbers are high. Both can be customized to your liking.

5. If, in the last step, click on Save template.

6. Stop and see the result.

More aboutInstall the Facebook like button in the bottom of the post

Blogger templates valid XHTML QUELLTEXT

More aboutBlogger templates valid XHTML QUELLTEXT

Bloggerpedia 007 template style

This template is in fact almost all of the similar templates O In fact I created the creativity I plagiarized template O I have more money buy the template property of O-OM named OOM-style v4. 0 are in fact quite expensive for me.

then I create a template from the template is the allusion to end it's name Bloggerpedia-007-style. With creativity, I finally I can my blogspot templates, for example, the property of with free enjoy. Okay, no money at all (except costs Ngenet) issues. HE Bloggerpedia 007 style templates (free).

I created templates, satisfaction of bloggers give Bloggerpedia-007-style, that are not in a position to buy premium templates. This template is very SEO friendly. This template is that no copyright, so can you edit and distribute it without the need, the origin allow removed not the template author credit link Bloggerpedia.

The template features:
* Best for make money online with Google AdSense or other PPC.
* Using very quickly only 20% of the small image upload page.
* Complete SEO guide for bloggers (must see).
* Support breadcrumbs SEO friendly.
* Support position (h1) SEO friendly.
* Support the email subscription box with FeedBurner.
* Can use with Blogger widget for the feed or FeedBurner (recommended).
* Support a jump link to the original
The links on your page post.
* Support 1 right sidebar on page post.
* Car read more support.
* Support 3 column widget on the bottom bar.
* Supports user-defined search box behind the menu.
* Support for Facebook-like and social bookmark ready.
* Support related post with thumbnail.
* Support avatars and highlighting author on comment box.
* Tested on IE6/7, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google chrome


Live demo | Download

More aboutBloggerpedia 007 template style

Blogger template SEO friendly by blogdoodey

More aboutBlogger template SEO friendly by blogdoodey

Monday, June 27, 2011

Elegant Style: Blogger Template SEO friendly

More aboutElegant Style: Blogger Template SEO friendly

Blogger templates magazine 2

More aboutBlogger templates magazine 2

Add 3 column footer in templates

Naturally, his own uniqueness has most of the blogger template. As in the number of columns. There are two three or four columns. The question is is the template a column is "Add Gadget" in the footer? If this is not the case, here I try to share tips Add 3 column footer in templates. It is possible that this tutorial useful for PAL wants to install is / a three column footer element in the blog template, owned by PAL Add.

Previously, ensure that the templates blog PAL Add gadgets element not yet in the footer section aka 2 or 3 column sidebar only exists.

And steps to the adds a 3 column footer in templates, as follows:

(1) login to blogger. Click after the draft , and then click Edit html.

2. Backup / by clicking on the save your first template, download full template is used. This is to anticipate the next time an error occurs while modifying the template.

3. Done, enter the small check box next to the to expand widget templates.

4. next code search:

< div id = 'Footer' >

5. after the meeting right above the code insert / insert code like below:

< div id = "bottom" >
< B: section class = 'bottom' ID = 'bottom_1' preferred = "Yes" / >
< B: section class = 'bottom' ID = 'bottom_2' preferred = "Yes" / >
< B: section class = 'bottom' ID = 'bottom_3' preferred = "Yes" / >
< / div >

6. This done for more code:

[]] > < / B: skin >

(7) the above code is in a timely manner (No. 6), enter the following CSS code:

# Bottom {width: 900px;} Position: relative; clear: both; margin: 0px auto 0px; Color: # 000000; Float: left; Background: # f7f7f7; Padding: 15px; {Margin: 0px}
# Bottom h2 {color: # 333;} Font-size: 14px; Font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana; Font-weight: bold; Margin-top: 5px; Line-height: 1.4 em; Letter-spacing: 0em; Text-transform: capitalize; {Border-bottom: solid # ccc "1px";}
# Bottom UL {padding: 0px;} {Margin: 0px;}
# Bottom ul li {line-height: 26px;} List-style-type: Square; {Border-bottom: solid # f f "1px";}
# bottom_1 {width:260px;}Float: left; Margin-left: 20px; {padding: 0px;}
# bottom_2 {width:260px;} Float: left; Margin-right: 35px; {padding: 0px;}
# bottom_3 {width:260px;} Float: left; Margin-left: 35px; {padding: 0px;}

Note in the code width: 900px to width of the header in the template type. Do not know its size? (read: find out the width of the header). 260Px code is the width of each column of the Footernya that add up to three. 260Px this 900px gained fewer 120px (total amount of the margin and padding) 780px split = then 260px= 3.

8. After the last step wrong click on Save the template.

If successful, display of Ergebnisse- design part. Add it to a new automatic connection add Add gadgets at the bottom of the footer alias 3 column footer.

More aboutAdd 3 column footer in templates

Thesis Blogger templates

More aboutThesis Blogger templates

Like Alexa increase rank and page rank?

Alexa, much less page rank? Although I will not care it, one was the benchmark prosperity still a blog. A random question has occurred, How to increase Alexa ranking tips and page rank?

I recently read a post about tips increase Alexa rankings blog. Article Tipsnya update consistently one of the Seringlah.

So yes, there is value (Alexa) this blog instead of screwed rank but instead the slump dramatically aggravated. As always, never the consistent mind, updated it more faster.
Interesting tips, not harm, if I tried. And life in the future the results display. It can only be myblog ranking with Google, will be classmates of Facebook and twitter. possible!

but me no matter yet on Alexa numbers count, want regardless of Yes to is. Enyoy blogger.

What is with PAL?

More aboutLike Alexa increase rank and page rank?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sliding sidebar title text area to the Center

Note the title text on each blog sidebar. The location of the text of the title is usually right, left, and Center. In fact, this is not a special case. But in general the location of the sidebar text title always side to the left, according to the element template.

If you are satisfied on the position of caption text sidebar. You can move it to the center.

His pace as follows:

(1) the blogger login. After the entry, click design. Click on Edit html.

2. Click on the links to download full template. When you are done (download). Then enter a small check box next to the to expand widget templates.

3. find similar code as follows:

. Sidebar h2 {color: # 000;} Font-size: 14px; Font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana; Font-weight: bold; margin: 0px 0px 10px 0px; padding: 4px 4px 5px 10px; Border-bottom: solid # C0C0C0 "1px"; Letter-spacing: 0em; Text-transform: capitalize; {background: # 87CEFA;}

You don't be surprised if the code is not exactly the same. See the source code of . Sidebar h2

4. After you run the code, add text-align: center; in the sequence of code (No. 3).

(5) to more or less the result as follows:

the sidebar h2 {...} Color: # 000; Font-size: 14px; Font-family: Arial, Tahoma, Verdana; Font-weight: bold; margin-: 0px 0px 10px 0px; padding: 4px 4px 5px 10px; Border-bottom: solid # C0C0C0 "1px"; Letter-spacing: 0em; Text-transform: capitalize; background: # 87CEFA; {Text-align: center;}

The writing Center is to set the position of the sidebar are to the center. If you want to replace correct links to sidebar. And right to left.

6. Once completed, Save the templatein the last step, click.

7. Stop and see the result.

If the increment is correct. Automatic text title in the sidebar would be in the middle.

Good luck!

More aboutSliding sidebar title text area to the Center